Have you ever found a website you wanted to view later, only to realize you didn't remember the web address when the time came? Bookmarks are a great way to save and organize specific websites so you can revisit them again and again.
In this lesson, we'll talk about how to add bookmarks to Safari, how to manage and organize your bookmarks and folders, and how to import bookmarks from another browser.
Check out the video below to learn the basics of bookmarking in Safari.
We recommend only placing a website in the Favorites folder if it is a website you will be visiting frequently. If you save too many, the folder can become cluttered.
Once you've bookmarked a website, there are two ways to open the bookmark.
If you plan to use bookmarks regularly, you may want to learn how to organize them.
New folders can be added within the Favorites folder or as their own standalone folders.
If you no longer use certain bookmarks or folders, you can always delete them.
You cannot delete the Favorites folder.
If you're looking for a specific bookmark but can't remember where it's saved, you can search for it.
If you've already saved a lot of bookmarks in another web browser, you can import these bookmarks into Safari.
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